
we provide extensive community health worker services 

Health Education

CHWs promote patient health or address barriers to physical and mental health care.

  • Offer information or instruction on health topics. The content of health education is consistent with established or recognized health care standards.
  • Provide patient coaching and goal-setting to improve patients' health or their ability to self-manage health conditions.

Health Navigation

CHWs provide information, training, referrals, or support to assist patients to:

  • Access health care
  • Connect to community resources
  • Address health care barriers and health-related social needs, including connecting to medical translation/interpretation or transportation services

Preventive Services

  • Screening and assessment that does not require a license and that assists a beneficiary to connect to appropriate services to improve their health.
  • Individual support or advocacy that assists a beneficiary in preventing the onset or exacerbation of a health condition or preventing injury or violence.

Closing HEDIS Gaps

  • Assist health plan, provider groups, or medical homes to reach out to patients who is on the HEDIS gap list to schedule preventive services.
  • Provide health coaching to help noncompliant patients understand the importance of preventive care.
  • Help patients coordinate appointments, translation services, and transportation to get the preventive services completed.